Celiac disease is a malabsorption syndrome and chronic digestive disorder. The intestine is not able to absorb vital dietary nutrients from foods containing gliadin, an alcohol-soluble portion of gluten. This condition which is often hereditary means the sufferer has a serious intolerance to wheat (including durum, semolina and spelt), rye, oats, barley, and related grain hybrids such as tritaclae and kamut.

Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joint. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is characterised by joint degeneration and loss of cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis which is also an autoimmune disorder. In this case the body's immune system attacks its own cartilage and tissue surrounding the joints.

Some detoxification experts advocate fasting, while others do not. It is known that the components of any well-designed detox program will stimulate the body to cleanse itself, but people who are underweight, are undernourished, have weak hearts, have blood sugar issues or are ill should avoid fasting. Some studies have shown that restricting food intake can actually lead to bingeing.

Hemorrhoids are extremely common in industrialised countries and it is estimated that fifty percent of persons over fifty years of age have symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease. Although most people may begin to develop hemorrhoids in the twenties, the symptoms do not become evident normally until in ones thirties!

How to Detoxify

Some indications from the body that there is a need to detox

  • Constipation, diarrhoea, irregular or sluggish bowel movements, flatulence (more than a small amount) or bad breath.
  • Frequent inexplicable headaches.
  • Skin rashes, boils, pimples.
  • Frequent viral infections/lowered immunity.
  • General aches and pains
  • Low energy levels.
  • Allergies.

Some detoxification experts advocate fasting, while others do not. It is known that the components of any well-designed detox program will stimulate the body to cleanse itself, but people who are underweight, are undernourished, have weak hearts, have blood sugar issues or are ill should avoid fasting. Some studies have shown that restricting food intake can actually lead to bingeing.

If you haven't been eating a clean diet or haven't taken detoxifying supplements before, you may experience everything from skin eruptions to cravings to a full-blown "detox crisis" as toxins are released from tire tissues and wreak havoc in your system before they are eliminated (symptoms can include headaches and fatigue). Most people experience discomfort when initially cleaning up their diets, especially in the first few days of weaning off refined sugar and flour. People who've already done that tend to feel uplifted and clearer-headed when they step up their detox measures.

DIET: some food tips on how to detoxify

At Natures Clinicals we often suggest a two-part, whole-body detoxification. The first part focuses on the cleansing of the colon, and creating good mucousal integrity, while the second targets the remaining channels of elimination--liver, blood, lymphatic system, skin, kidneys and lungs simultaneously, with special emphasis on the liver. "Cleansing stimulates the liver to release toxins into the bile, which is then secreted back into the digestive tract (via the gallbladder). It is necessary to ingest extra fiber for these toxins to be absorbed and eliminated via the bowel and to maintain good gut integrity (i.e.resoilve any leaky gut issues first). Otherwise, toxins from the liver could recirculate, creating more problems

Cleaning up your diet is a prerequisite if internal cleansing is to be successful. Cut white sugar and flour, hydrogenated fats and other processed foods out of your diet completely while fasting (possibly once and for all), while increasing your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber and good fats such as flax or fish oil. Buy organic whenever you can, and try to eat as many chlorophyll-rich dark greens as possible to help remove pesticides and heavy metals from your body. Powdered "green foods," such as Greens+, Wheat Grass tablets can help supplement (not substitute for) your intake of dark greens.

Juicing vegetables is often part of a well-designed detox program because ifs an effective way to get a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes into your diet. If you are a regular juicer try to invest in a "whole juice juicer" which is highly beneficial because it cuts down the amount of produce you need to use by a third, all of the vegetables' fiber and minerals are retained; and file resulting drink has a lower glycemic impact. That is, it doesn't spike blood sugar because file fiber is retained when you use the whole fruit.

Other detox tips include adding whey protein to smoothies and plain yogurt, and taking N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplements, both of which can help increase glutathione, an important detoxifying substance in the liver.
Finally, make sure you are adequately hydrated. We recommend a daily intake of approx 1.5 litres depending on body size, drunk in small amounts throughout the day rather than all at once to avoid straining the kidneys.

We recommend that you increase the following foods:

  • Antioxidant foods..... take regularly, (see our file antioxidants on this website)
  • All fresh fruit and vegetables – especially citrus, barriers grape seeds (for vit C and bioflavonoids), all vegetable juices such as carrot, beetroot, wheatgrass, broccoli and red and green capsicum.
  • Garlic an age old detoxifer, which contains sulphur.
  • Green tea which contains bioflavoinoids makes an excellent detox tea
  • Onion and Garlic which contain bioflavoinds and sulphur, are specific for cleansing mercury, cadmimum and lead from the tissues.
  • Apples and pears- especially if stewed with their pips which release pectin, help reduce absorption of toxins.
  • Cold pressed olive oil – eaten uncooked is beneficial.
  • Nuts and seeds – especially brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, but only if uncooked unsalted.
  • Soya beans- and all other varieties of beans as well as other legumes such as lentils. and peas, legumes are specific for mercury detoxification.
  • Wheat and Barley grass and wheat germ-high in many anti-oxidant nutrients, wheat germ also helps to detox lead.
  • Fish- especially deep-sea/ocean fish, cold water fish
  • Red wine (although only small amounts) is agreat anti oxidant
  • Seaweed which contains algin, binds lead in the gut and helps eliminate it.
  • Yogurt – containing Acidophilus and Bifidus, will assist is colon health and fight off the bad bacteria that may be lurking
  • Papaya contains bioflavonids.
  • Bass, mackerel, cod, trout, perch, flounder contain methionine, a precursor to cysteine.
  • Turkey also contains methionine
  • Brussel sprout and cabbage also protect against lead and mercury. All cabbage family inhibit carcinogenic effects of chemicals.
  • Asparagus detoxifies lead and mercury
  • Black tea helps detox lead.

Nutrients that are helpful in detoxifying

Coenzyme Q 10
Calcium helps prevent absorption of lead, aluminium and excessive copper, and also helps to remove lead from the tissues.
Zinc is particularly important in lowering lead and cadmium levels, as well as elevated copper and aluminium.
Chromium aids detoxification, specifically of cadmium, lead and excess iron.
Magnesium cleanses aluminium and excess iron from the body.
Silica helps to eliminate aluminium.
Iron is antagonistic to mercury.
Manganese reduces lead, aluminium, mercury and cadmium levels, also excess copper and iron.
Vit D helps calcium to do its work, and displaces lead from the bones.
Vit E reduces the effects of lead poisoning
Vit B1 taken with b complex provides protection against lead damage
Vit B5 – protects against radiation and excess copper
Vit A – activates enzymes needed for detox.

Cysteine an amino acid, which is the direct precursor of glutathione peridase, an enzyme which has been manufactured by every living thing, plant or animal, it is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants present in your body, and detoxifies pollutants and drugs, and the sulphur compounds which it contains bind to heavy metals to prevent oxidation.

Herbs for detoxifying

There are many great herbs that can be of the most wonderful assistance during the detoxifying process. We recommend that you undertake a consultation with a herbalist or naturopath and get an individually prescribed formulation.