There are now over 100 complementary therapies. Some have their origins in the ancient healing traditions of Chinese or ayurvedic medicine; some are relative newcomers, having been devised in the late 20th century. A number of them such as floatation, the Bach flower remedies, and zero balancing have been discovered and brought to us by medically-trained doctors.

The herbal formula is usually made up with 4 - 18 different herbs, depending on the therapeutic action the herbalist is creating. All formula's are balanced, with some herbs for eliminating any internal excesses if they exist, while some will be for tonifying any existing deficiencies. The herbs are combined together, each lending the other strength.

Homoeopathic remedies are prescribed by matching the symptom pictures of the patient with that of the remedy. For example, if a person is suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting, minute doses of a remedy are given that in it's crude form, would cause diarrhoea and vomiting in a healthy person. A homoeopathic remedy is not just a minute quantity of a substance, it has also been through a process of potentisation which enables the remedy to act as a catalyst on the subtle energies of the body.

Remedies in the 6th potency (6C) should be taken one dose every three hours until there is some improvement, then dosage should be taken less frequently. Alternatively, remedies in the 6th potency may be taken as a course of treatment: one dose in the morning and one dose in the evening for ten days.


Homoeopathy is a form of healing that stimulates the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. The word Homoeopathy comes from the Greek, meaning 'similar suffering'. Homoeopathy is based on the law of similars: that like cures like.

Homoeopathic remedies are prescribed by matching the symptom pictures of the patient with that of the remedy. For example, if a person is suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting, minute doses of a remedy are given that in it's crude form, would cause diarrhoea and vomiting in a healthy person. A homoeopathic remedy is not just a minute quantity of a substance, it has also been through a process of potentisation which enables the remedy to act as a catalyst on the subtle energies of the body.

Homoeopathic remedies are therefore very sensitive and should be stored in a dark cool place away from strong smells.

How to Use Homoeopathy
Homoeopathic remedies should not be swallowed but left to dissolve under the tongue. Food, drinks, smoking and toothpaste should be avoided for 20 minutes before and after taking a remedy. Homoeopathy can be used safely at home for first aid and acute situations, however if symptoms are severe, persist or are of a chronic nature, professional advice must be sought.

Remedies in the 6th potency (6C) should be taken one dose every three hours until there is some improvement, then dosage should be taken less frequently. Alternatively, remedies in the 6th potency may be taken as a course of treatment: one dose in the morning and one dose in the evening for ten days.

Remedies in the 30th potency (30C) should be taken only once or twice, preferably at eight hour intervals.

In more severe, acute situations the 200th potency (200C) may be administered once - this should not be repeated. Unless you have some knowledge and experience of Homoeopathy it is best to leave administration of 200th potency remedies to a qualified practitioner and remedies of higher potency than 200C should never be taken without first seeking the advice of a qualified homoeopath.

Remedy Finder
This is a short list of some suitable remedies for conditions. At Natures Clinicals we highly recommend that you see a qualified homoeopath to get a constitutional remedy for long standing health issues. However it is sometimes appropriate to choose your own remedies for acute situations if you are using low potencies only (6C and 30C)

To choose a remedy from the following list, simply refer to the relevant illness section and choose a remedy from the descriptions which match as closely as possible your symptoms. If a condition is at all persistent, or could be serious, then consult a practitioner immediately.

Belladonna The face is red, dry and burning hot.
Hepar sulph Large infected spots on the face and back.
Pulsatilla Spots made worse by rich, fatty foods.
Silicea For skin which scars easily.
Sulphur For long standing acne, aggravated by warmth and washing.

Hepar sulph Sensitive boils which weep easily.
Silicea Boils slow to develop and heal.

Aconite Sudden panic attacks. Following an accident.
Argent nit Lacking self confidence. Fear of heights and crowds. Fear of appearing before an audience.
Arsen alb Feeling fearful, restless and irritable. Patient chilly.

Aconite Where the death is sudden and the shock severe.
Ignatia Cannot get over the loss. Prolonged bereavement.

Bites & Stings Arnica When there is swelling and bruising.
Apis Insect stings with burning, stinging pains.
Hypericum Horse-fly bites.
Lachesis Purple discolouration around the bite.
Ledum Insect stings. Pain from puncture wounds.
Belladonna With redness, heat and throbbing.

Arnica For all soft tissue injuries, leading to bruises.
Hypericum Painful bruises on fingers and toes.
Ledum Bruising of the bones.

Burns & Scalds
Belladonna Sunburn with redness, heat and throbbing.
Cantharis Burns or sunburn with blistering.
Urtica urens Stinging burns and scalds.

Bryonia Catarrh lying on chest which feels tight.
Calc fluor Thick greenish/yellow discharge in lumps.
Kali bich Thick yellow discharge with sore throat. Childhood "snuffles".
Pulsatilla Free-flowing yellow discharge. Worse at night.
Silicea Sinus catarrh with headaches. Obstinate nasal obstruction and sneezing in morning.
Chamomilla Extremely irritable, better when carried around.
Colocynth Colic relieved by pressure on the stomach.

Colds & Flu
Aconite Beginnings of colds and flu, particularly from exposure to cold winds.

Fever, chill and thirst
Allium cepa Common cold with much sneezing, watering of eyes and acrid nasal discharge.
Arsenicum Eyes and nose stream. Exhaustion.
Belladonna High temperature/fever. Incoherent behaviour.
Ferrum phos Feverishness, stuffiness and sneezing at onset of colds.
Gelsemium Hot and cold shivering flu symptoms. Weakness, tiredness and aching limbs.
Nux vom Colds with much sneezing. Nose stuffed up during day and runny at night. Silicea Slow onset of illness and slow recovery. Sinusitis and headaches.

Bryonia Stool feels too large and hard to pass.
Graphites No desire to open bowels for several days, then passes large stool

Bowels ache.
Nux vom Frequent urge to pass stools, but always feels as if more to come.
Silicea Not strong enough to expel stool, so slips back in.
Sulphur Stools, large, hard, dark and dry. Painful to pass.

Aconite Dry, tickly, irritating cough. Sudden onset from exposure to cold wind.

Arsen alb Restless and anxious, wheezy, with burning sensation in chest.
Belladonna Dry, tickly, barking cough.
Violent coughing fit ends in sneezing.
Bryonia Hard, dry cough with stitches in the chest.
Causticum Hard, racking cough with pain in chest bringing exhaustion.
Inability to bring up phlegm.
Hepar sulph Hoarse cough with roughness and scraping sensation in throat.
Ipecac Spasmodic cough with wheezing, rattling and loss of breath. May lead to vomiting.
Phosphorus Violent, hard, dry, exhausting, tight or racking cough with yellow sputum.
Pulsatilla Cough dry in the evening, loose in the morning with thick, bland yellow-green discharge.

Apis mel Sharp, stinging pains. Frequent urge to urinate.
Cantharis Non-stop urge to urinate, only able to pass drop by drop due to severe burning pain.
Nux vom Frequent and painful urge to pass urine with little result.

Aconite Diarrhoea comes on suddenly after shock or cold wind.
Arg nit Diarrhoea caused by excitement or apprehension about a coming event.
Arsen alb Diarrhoea from food poisoning. Burning sensation on passing stools.
Pulsatilla Holiday diarrhoea. Worse at night, by drinking cold drinks and eating rich fatty foods. Sulphur Urge to open bowels early in the morning.

Aconite Earache after exposure to cold, dry winds.
Belladonna Throbbing pain made worse by warmth.
Chamomilla Painful, irritable and weepy.
Pulsatilla Ear swollen and red, worse at night. Patient weepy.

First Aid
Aconite Shock, fear and panic after an accident.
Arnica All injuries that lead to bruising.
Hypericum For painful crush injuries.
Ruta grav For sprains when the bone is bruised.
Symphytum Injuries to bones and tendons.

Hamamelis Bleeding piles, anus sore and bruised.
Nux vom Large piles which burn and sting.
Sulphur Itchy piles aggravated by warmth.

Allium cepa Nose and eyes stream. Frequent and severe sneezing. Worse in the morning and indoors.
Arsen alb Nose tickles violently. Sneezing violent and painful with watery burning discharge, making the upper lip sore.
Euphrasia Eyes burn, itch and water constantly. Runny nose with much sneezing.
Gelsemium Violent sneezing with blocked nose. Face hot and flushed.
Nat mur General remedy where condition is allergic response to pollen.

Mixed pollen
Copious catarrh and sneezing, often with cold sores or mouth ulcers.
Nux vom Irritation of nose, eyes, face and throat with prolonged bouts of sneezing.
Pulsatilla Copious thick catarrh and sneezing. Relieved by open air.
Silicea Sinusitis with blocked, stuffy nose. Worse on first waking.

Actea rac Pain begins just before start of periods. Irregular, painful and heavy.
Belladonna Bearing down pains with heavy, hot, bright red blood loss.
Ipecac Early periods with passage of clots. Sickness before and during period.
Natrum mur Irregular periods. Headache and depression with backache.
Pulsatilla Scanty periods. Pain in lower back. Feels weepy.
Sepia Painful periods. Feels tearful and irritable.

Rheumatic pain
Arnica Pain resulting from an earlier injury. Bruised feeling.
Bryonia Pain worse for movement and warmth. Better for pressure (eg bandaging).
Pulsatilla Pains flit around joints. Worse for warmth, better for cold applications.
Rhus tox Pain worse on beginning to move but improves with continued movement.

Colds & Flu / Sore Throats
Aconite Develops after exposure to cold wind. Should be started as soon as possible at onset of illness.
Belladonna Face and throat red and hot. Swallowing painful.
Bryonia Mouth and throat dry. Feeling of thirst.
Hepar sulph Throat raw. Pain extends to the ears. Throat very sensitive and feels scraped.
Merc sol Sore throat with bad breath. Swallowing painful.

Arnica Sprain coupled with bruising.
Bryonia Sprain painful for movement.
Rhus tox Pain improved by gentle movement.
Ruta grav Sprain with bone injury.

Urticaria/Nettle Rash
Apis mel Stinging nettle rash. Hives. Better for cold applications.
Arsen alb Burning, itching skin eruptions. Patient restless and anxious.
Rhus tox Skin red and blistered.