Celiac disease is a malabsorption syndrome and chronic digestive disorder. The intestine is not able to absorb vital dietary nutrients from foods containing gliadin, an alcohol-soluble portion of gluten. This condition which is often hereditary means the sufferer has a serious intolerance to wheat (including durum, semolina and spelt), rye, oats, barley, and related grain hybrids such as tritaclae and kamut.

Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joint. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is characterised by joint degeneration and loss of cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis which is also an autoimmune disorder. In this case the body's immune system attacks its own cartilage and tissue surrounding the joints.

Some detoxification experts advocate fasting, while others do not. It is known that the components of any well-designed detox program will stimulate the body to cleanse itself, but people who are underweight, are undernourished, have weak hearts, have blood sugar issues or are ill should avoid fasting. Some studies have shown that restricting food intake can actually lead to bingeing.

Hemorrhoids are extremely common in industrialised countries and it is estimated that fifty percent of persons over fifty years of age have symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease. Although most people may begin to develop hemorrhoids in the twenties, the symptoms do not become evident normally until in ones thirties!

COLD SORES / HERPES - natural treatments and remedies

What causes cold sores?

Cold Sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and they are very common worldwide. HSV-1 (often called oral-facial herpes or 'cold sores') is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking utensils, and HSV-2 (often called genital herpes) through sexual contact. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause infections around the face, mouth, and genitals. The infection may not show symptoms for a long time, and then become activated by exposure to the sun, fever, menstruation, emotional stress, a weakened immune system, or acute illness.

Once you have herpes, it is likely to recur. In between herpes outbreaks, the virus lies dormant (like it is hibernating or sleeping) in nerve cells. Recurrent HSV-1 infections on the lip are often mild and are commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. HSV-2 lesions tend to recur more often and to be more severe than HSV-1 infections.

Herpes infections in infants and in people who have weak immune systems or herpes infections that affect the eyes are serious and potentially life-threatening.

Signs and Symptoms

Small grouped blisters in the infected area like the genitals (namely, penis scrotum, vagina, cervix, or labia), around the genitals (such as anus or inner thighs) mouth, lips, tongue, gums, or throat; the blisters can then become ulcers (raw sores) and later crust over
Burning, itching, pain, or tingling sensations often precedes the appearance of the blisters
Enlarged lymph nodes near the infected area
Fever, headache, and flu-like symptoms (such as muscle aches and malaise [generally feeling bad]), particularly when you first contract the virus
Vaginal or penile dischargePain with urination

Sunlight and stress are the two main triggers of the herpes simplex 1 virus, which causes cold sores. The first line of defence is to boost your immune system. Here, complementary health really comes into its own with a combination of herbal, homoeopathic, and nutritional steps to suppress the virus and keep it dormant.

How do I treat cold sores naturally?

With cold sores, prevention is the key. Remember, when you are stressed and your immune system is low, your chances of recurrence of the virus will be a lot higher. It is better to watch for early tell tale signs that you are getting run down, than to wait for a full blown attack. If stress is chronic, see a natural health care practitioner for assistance, and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle wherever possible.

However if you do get an annoying case of cold sore blues here are some natural remedies and treatments

Cold Sores- natural treatments and remedies

  • Take lysine supplementation and foods:The cold sore virus is activated by an amino acid called arginine. Another amino acid called lysine inhibits the absorption of arginine and therefore helps suppress this virus. Foods that are rich in arginine and which you need to avoid include chocolate, nuts, and most cereal grains. Natural sources of lysine include dairy products, potatoes, and brewer’s yeast so increase your dietary intake of these and take a lysine supplement.
  • Zinc, which boosts the immune system, has been shown to help. Food sources include oysters, seafood, eggs, liver, turkey, sunflower and pumpkin seeds - but if you plan to take more than 30mg a day for several months, you will need to balance this with a copper supplement of 2mg a day. (Note - Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease should not take zinc supplements until researchers have clarified the role of this mineral in the disease.)
  • Propolis, a resin from tree bark and leaves, is loaded with flavonoids (antioxidants that help fight infection and boost immune function). A study of a small number of people with genital herpes compared an ointment made from propolis to acyclovir ointment (a medication commonly used for herpes). In this research trial, the lesions of those using the propolis healed more quickly than those using acyclovir. Research on larger numbers of people would be helpful. In the interim, it may be worth trying propolis ointment for genital herpes lesions if your doctor approves.
  • Spirulina Studies suggest that spirulina, also known as blue green algae, has activity against certain viruses including cold sores / herpes.
  • St Johns Wort.One of the most potent remedies for cold sores is St Johns Wort, (which is more usually taken for mild to moderate depression). It has fantastic antiviral properties and although reported side-effects include increases photosensitivity in sunlight, this has only been recorded among cows grazing on meadows of the herb.
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a widely used topical preparation in the treatment and prevention of outbreaks of cold sores. and herpes in general. Lemon Balm cream should be applied to the lips two to four times a day during active recurrence. Licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra) also inhibits herpes outbreaks and be included in the cream.
  • If you cannot suppress the virus and a cold sore does develop, grapefruit seed has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and is safe to dab on the sore. If you suffer from recurrent sores, your immune system is compromised and needs supporting with herbs such as echinacea, elderflower, astralagus, or licorice. You may be best at this stage to see a qualified natural practitioner.
  • Ice: 10 minutes on, 5 minutes off up to three cycles every 4 hours during initial symptoms

Cold sores- Homoeopathic treatments

If you tend to get cold sores in the sun and they start with that familiar itchy tingle, take the homoeopathic remedy Natrum Mur 30c. If an outbreak begins with more of a sharp, prickling pain and the sore tends to crack and bleed, you need to take homoeopathic Nitric Acid 30c.